Ethyl acetoacetate is a liquid. The value of the tautomeric constant for neat ethyl acetoacetate is Kt = .079. What is the percentage of the enol form in neat ethyl acetoacetate?

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To calculate the percentage of the enol form in neat ethyl acetoacetate, we need to use the tautomeric constant (Kt) and the formula:

Enol Percentage = (Kt / (1 + Kt)) * 100.

Given that the tautomeric constant (Kt) for neat ethyl acetoacetate is 0.079, we can substitute this value into the formula:

Enol Percentage = (0.079 / (1 + 0.079)) * 100.

Calculating this expression step by step:

Enol Percentage = (0.079 / 1.079) * 100.

Enol Percentage = 0.073 * 100.

Enol Percentage = 7.3%.

Therefore, the percentage of the enol form in neat ethyl acetoacetate is 7.3%.