Here are five basic threats that contribute to species extinction,all of which can be influenced by our actions/choices.


How have one are more of these contributed to animal becoming extinct or animals becoming endangered or threatened.
What are some specific examples?

Horned Toad,a victim of Fire Ants.

One or more of these threats have indeed contributed to animals becoming extinct or endangered. Let's go through each of them and discuss some specific examples:

1. Habitat Loss: This occurs when natural habitats are destroyed or modified, making it unsuitable for species to survive. This can be due to deforestation, urbanization, or the conversion of land for agriculture. For example, the destruction of rainforests has led to the endangerment of species like the orangutan, where their habitats are being rapidly cleared for palm oil plantations.

2. Invasive Species: These are non-native species that are introduced into new ecosystems, outcompeting or preying upon native species. This can disrupt the natural balance of an ecosystem and threaten the survival of native species. One example is the brown tree snake, which was accidentally introduced to Guam and caused the extinction or severe decline of several native bird species.

3. Pollution: Various forms of pollution, such as air, water, or soil pollution, can negatively impact wildlife populations. Chemical pollutants, like pesticides, can accumulate in the food chain and have lethal or sub-lethal effects on species, leading to their decline. For instance, the use of the pesticide DDT had significant effects on bird species, most famously the bald eagle, which were exposed to DDT through their prey, causing thinning of their eggshells and reproductive failure.

4. Population: If the population of a species becomes too small, it becomes vulnerable to becoming extinct due to genetic problems or increased susceptibility to threats. This can happen through factors like limited genetic diversity or inbreeding. The Florida panther is an example of a species that faced population decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, resulting in genetic problems and reduced survival rates.

5. Overharvesting: This occurs when species are hunted or harvested at unsustainable rates, depleting their populations to the point of extinction or endangerment. Some examples include the passenger pigeon, which was once one of the most abundant bird species in North America but was hunted so extensively that it became extinct, and the black rhinoceros, which is critically endangered due to poaching for its horn.

These are just a few examples illustrating how the threats you mentioned have contributed to species becoming endangered or extinct. It is crucial to address these threats through conservation efforts, habitat protection, and sustainable practices to prevent further harm to our planet's biodiversity.