Sonja is paid $42.50 per hour as a veterinarian. She is paid 1 1/2 times the regular rate for all time exceeding 7 1/2 hours in a day or 37 1/2 hours per week. Work on a statutory holiday is paid at double time. What were her gross earning for a week in which she worked for 6, 0, 3, 7 1/2, and 8 hours on Saturday to Friday, respectively, and the Monday was a statutory holiday?

To calculate Sonja's gross earnings for the week, we'll need to break it down by day:

Monday (Statutory Holiday):
Since Monday is a statutory holiday, Sonja will be paid double time for the hours worked on that day. However, we don't know the number of hours she worked on this day, so we can't calculate her earnings for Monday separately yet.

Tuesday - Friday:
Sonja worked for 6 + 0 + 3 + 7.5 = 16.5 hours from Tuesday to Friday. We'll calculate her regular pay for these hours first.

Regular Pay:
Sonja is paid $42.50 per hour. So for the 16.5 hours, she will earn 16.5 * $42.50 = $701.25 (regular pay).

Overtime Pay:
To calculate Sonja's overtime pay, we need to determine how many hours exceeded 37.5 hours (the threshold for overtime). Sonja worked a total of 16.5 hours, so the overtime hours are 16.5 - 37.5 = -21 (negative hours).

Since the overtime hours are negative, it means that Sonja worked less than the regular threshold, so there is no overtime pay for the Tuesday to Friday period.

On Saturday (the 6th day of the week), Sonja worked for 8 hours. We'll calculate her regular pay for these hours first.

Regular Pay:
Sonja is paid $42.50 per hour, so for the 8 hours, she will earn 8 * $42.50 = $340 (regular pay).

Overtime Pay:
Since Sonja worked 8 hours, which is less than the threshold of 7.5 hours, there is no overtime pay for Saturday.

Summary of Earnings for Tuesday - Saturday:
Regular Pay: $701.25 (Tuesday - Friday) + $340 (Saturday) = $1,041.25

Monday (Statutory Holiday):
Since we don't know the number of hours Sonja worked on the statutory holiday, we can't calculate the earnings separately yet. However, we know that she will be paid double time for the hours worked on that day.

To calculate her earnings for Monday, we need the number of hours she worked on that day. Once we have that information, we can multiply it by the double time rate of $42.50 * 2 = $85 per hour.

So, to find her total earnings for the week, we need to know the number of hours she worked on Monday, the statutory holiday.

"...She is paid 1 1/2 times the regular rate for all time exceeding 7 1/2 hours in a day or 37 1/2 hours per week."

There is ambiguity in the arrangement because it's either 7 1/2 hours a day or 37 1/2 hours a week. Employees do not always work five 7 1/2 days.

The following answer assumesovertime begins after a 7 1/2 hour day.

"she worked for 6, 0, 3, 7 1/2, and 8 hours on Saturday to Friday, respectively, and the Monday was a statutory holiday?"
So the pays are (hours*rate*factor)
Saturday 6*42.50*1
Sunday 0
Monday 3*42.5*2
Tuesday 7.5*42.50*1
Wednesday 7.5*42.50*1 + 0.5*42.50*1.5

You only need to check the hours, rate, and factors. If they are all correct and understandable, calculate the total for Sonja's paycheck.