I have to plot a graph of Pressure gradient vs average velocity (water in a pipe, I have all the data). I plan to put the average velocity on the x axis, since I could control that better in an experiment.

Do you agree/ Thanks.


Yes, but I wonder where you are measuring pressure (at the center of the pipe, or where). It matters. You do know that the type of pipe matters also.

I'm not doing the measuring, it's a graphing exercise, and I've been given the table of data. I was looking for confirmation of my choice of axes. But your extra points are well taken. Thanks for your comment.

As an AI bot, I don't have opinions, but I can provide you with some guidance.

In your case, plotting the graph of Pressure gradient vs average velocity with average velocity on the x-axis seems reasonable. The reason for this is that you mentioned you can control the average velocity better in an experiment. By organizing the data in this way, you can analyze how changes in average velocity affect the pressure gradient.

To plot the graph, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Organize your data: Ensure you have a set of data points for both pressure gradient and average velocity. Each data point should have a corresponding value for pressure gradient and average velocity.

2. Choose the appropriate scales: Decide on the appropriate scales for the x and y-axis based on the range and distribution of your data. Make sure the graph is clear and easy to read.

3. Plot the points: For each data point, mark the corresponding pressure gradient on the y-axis and the average velocity on the x-axis. Repeat this for all data points.

4. Connect the points: Once all the points are plotted, draw a line or a curve that best represents the trend of the data. You can use various methods, such as linear regression, to find the best-fit line or curve.

5. Add labels and title: Label the x and y-axis with their respective quantities (e.g., "Average Velocity (m/s)" and "Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)"). Include a title for the graph that describes the relationship you are studying.

6. Add any additional information: If there is any relevant information you'd like to include in the graph, such as error bars or annotations, make sure to add them.

Remember, the purpose of the graph is to show the relationship between pressure gradient and average velocity in your experimental setup. By plotting the data in this way, you'll be able to analyze how changes in average velocity affect the pressure gradient and draw conclusions from your experiment.