How did Mendel’s approach to answering scientific questions differ from that of his contemporaries?

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How did Mendel's apporach to answering scientific questions differ from that of his contemporaries?

Gregor Mendel's approach to answering scientific questions differed from that of his contemporaries in several key ways. Here's how you can understand and explain the differences:

1. Experimental Approach: Mendel used a systematic and experimental approach to study heredity, while his contemporaries relied more on observations and anecdotal evidence. Mendel designed controlled experiments and carefully collected data, allowing him to draw reliable conclusions.

2. Quantitative Analysis: Mendel used quantitative analysis to analyze the results of his experiments. He counted and measured traits in a large number of plants, which enabled him to determine the exact ratios and patterns of inheritance. In contrast, his contemporaries often relied on qualitative descriptions and general observations.

3. Statistical Interpretation: Mendel applied statistical methods to interpret his experimental data. He used probability and mathematical calculations to explain his observations and predict the outcomes of future experiments. This statistical approach was a significant departure from the more descriptive and speculative methods used by his contemporaries.

4. Focus on Patterns: Mendel focused on identifying and understanding the underlying patterns of inheritance. He formulated clear laws of inheritance based on his observations and experimental results. In contrast, his contemporaries often described observations without attempting to explain the underlying mechanisms or patterns.

By examining and understanding these differences, you can explain how Mendel's approach to answering scientific questions set him apart from his contemporaries and made him a pioneer in the field of genetics.