The temperature of a cup of coffee is a discrete or continuous random variable?

Am I correct " Discrete"

You have to be kidding. Temperature does not jump from one number to the next.

If you put a thermometer in a cup of coffee and watched it, would it jump to different temperatures or move continuously to different temperatures?

I'm sorry my bad I got confused I ment continuous random

Yes, you are correct. The temperature of a cup of coffee is a discrete random variable.

To understand why, let's talk about the difference between discrete and continuous variables.

A discrete random variable can only take on specific, separate values. In the case of the temperature of a cup of coffee, it can only be measured in certain distinct units, such as degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. You cannot have a temperature between two separate and distinct values. For example, you can have a coffee that is at 60 degrees Celsius or 61 degrees Celsius, but you cannot have a coffee that is at a temperature of 60.5 degrees Celsius.

On the other hand, a continuous random variable can take on any value within a certain range or interval. For example, the height, weight, or time in seconds can be considered continuous random variables since they can take on any real value within a specific range.

Therefore, the temperature of a cup of coffee is a discrete random variable since it can only take on specific, separate values and not any value within a continuous range.