What is the numerical value of the equations below? Thank you!


Note that it is not an algebraic expression, and not an equation. An equation should have an equal sign.

The expression's value is evaluated to be 243419914061.83112 approximately.

Correction: it IS an algebraic expression, but not an equation.

To find the numerical value of the equation 24 * e^(0.06*384), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the value of 0.06 multiplied by 384.
0.06 * 384 = 23.04

Step 2: Raise the constant e (approximately 2.71828) to the power of the result from Step 1.
e^(23.04) = 3,263,739,854.28 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Multiply the value from Step 2 by 24.
24 * 3,263,739,854.28 = 783,689,436.98 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the numerical value of the equation 24 * e^(0.06*384) is approximately 783,689,436.98.