My question is that, I read about Instantaneous Speed

"Instantaneous speed of an object at an instant of time (t) is defined as the 'limit of the average speed as the time interval delta(t) at the given instant of time becomes infinitesimally small.'"

What does this paragraph mean? Please explain me in simple language and briefly? And if possible with an example.

Thank You

It means instantaneous speed is the speed at that instant, not measured over a long time, but rather at that instant.

can anyone explain me what is conservation of momentum

Sure! I'd be happy to explain what that paragraph means.

Instantaneous speed refers to the speed of an object at a specific instant in time, rather than an average speed over a period of time.

The paragraph is saying that to calculate instantaneous speed, you can find the average speed of the object over a very short time interval and then make that interval smaller and smaller until it becomes infinitely small (which is what "infinitesimally small" means).

In simple terms, you can think of it like this: if you want to know how fast a car is going at a particular moment, you can calculate its average speed over a very short time, like one second. Then, you can make that time interval even shorter, like half a second, and calculate the average speed again. By repeating this process and making the time interval smaller and smaller, eventually you will get as close as possible to the exact speed of the car at that specific instant.

Let's consider an example. Imagine a car that starts at rest and then accelerates to a speed of 60 miles per hour. At time t=0, the car is just starting to move. If we want to know the car's instantaneous speed at t=0, we can calculate its average speed over a very short time, such as 0.1 seconds. So, we would measure the distance the car covers during that 0.1 seconds (let's say a few feet) and divide it by 0.1 seconds. This would give us the average speed over that small interval of time. By making the time interval even smaller, like 0.01 seconds or 0.001 seconds, we can get closer and closer to the car's exact speed at t=0.

I hope that explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.