I need help figuring this out, I tried to simplify 3 times

this are fractions, I can't express fractions in here..
(-7/4) x (-4/7) = -7/4 x 12/35
1 times x = 84/140
I am having trouble simplifying
I got so far 42/70, 21/35 and are wrong
please help

I figured it out muself =)


To solve the equation -4/7x = 12/35, you need to isolate the variable x. Let's go step by step:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of -4/7, which is -7/4. This will cancel out the fractions on the left side, leaving you with:

(-7/4) x (-4/7) x = (-7/4) x (12/35)

Simplifying both sides, you get:

1x = -84/140

Step 2: To simplify the right side further, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of both the numerator (-84) and the denominator (140). In this case, the GCD is 28.

Step 3: Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCD (28). This gives you:

x = (-84 ÷ 28) / (140 ÷ 28)

Simplifying further:

x = -3/5

So the solution to the equation -4/7x = 12/35 is x = -3/5.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.