Muslim and Arab Americans

• Describe the impact of Orientalism on Muslim and Arab Americans.
• Identify causes of prejudice and discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans.
• Compare and contrast United States-centric views of Muslim and Arab Americans with United States-centric views of Christian Americans.
1. CheckPoint: Characteristics of Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
• Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, and “Making Enemies,” by S. Pyne at government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?
o List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
o In addition to the examples of tolerance identified in the article, what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns

To supplement your assigned reading for these assignments, you may find this article useful.

We are not alowed to use anything from Wikipedia,the Dictionary or an Encyclopaedia. It makes it tough to find information.

You will find a wealth of information at these already answered questions on Orientalism.

Your assignment states that you are to use these resources: "Resources: Racial and Ethnic Groups, and “Making Enemies,” by S. Pyne".

I have them both printed out and I still can not find the answers, Mostly how does Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs? That does not make sence to me since Orientalism (I thought) has something to do with Asin people.

I don't know how your resources define Orientalism, but here's a definition from

"American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source O·ri·en·tal·ism also o·ri·en·tal·ism (ôr'ē-ěn'tl-ĭz'əm, ōr'-) Pronunciation Key
A quality, mannerism, or custom specific to or characteristic of the Orient.
Scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures, languages, and peoples."

Orientalism is not a term usually used in cultural diversity, sociology, or anthropology classes. That may be why you haven't found much about it on the Internet. The term Orient can refer to all of Asia, but usually connotes the people of eastern Asia (China, Japan, Indonesia, etc.). However, most Arabs and Muslims live in western Asia (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, etc.). North Africa (Egypt, Lybia, Morocco, etc.) also is made up of mostly Arabic Muslims.

Frankly, I don't think that Orientalism has much to do with hate crimes and prejudice against Muslims and Arabs. It's fairly common for groups of people with different cultures and languages to experience some discrimination in this country. But that's as true for s, Mexicans, Chinese, and Africans as it is for Arabs and Muslims. As immigrant families and their American-born children assimilate into American society, prejudice tends to diminish.

When Arabs and Muslims are singled out as a threatening group, it's likely because of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims in many countries.

We've had these questions posted several times on this board over the last year or so -- so evidentally you're not the only one to have difficulty finding the answers in your assigned resources. You may want to ask your instructor for help in answering these questions. Good luck!

I understand that you are having difficulty finding information on Orientalism and its impact on Muslim and Arab Americans. Orientalism is a term that refers to the way Western societies have historically viewed and portrayed Eastern cultures, specifically Asian cultures but also encompassing Middle Eastern cultures. It is a form of stereotyping and exoticizing these cultures.

In the context of Muslim and Arab Americans, Orientalism can contribute to prejudice and discrimination because it perpetuates stereotypes and misconceptions about these groups. Orientalist portrayals often depict Muslims and Arabs as barbaric, violent, and backwards, which can lead to negative attitudes and beliefs towards these communities. This can then manifest in hate crimes and other forms of discrimination.

To find more information on this topic, I suggest looking into academic journals, books, and articles that specifically discuss Orientalism and its impact on Muslim and Arab Americans. You can try searching through databases available through your school library or online platforms like Google Scholar.

Additionally, you can also explore the causes of prejudice and discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans. This can include factors such as fear and ignorance, media representation, political climate, and historical events. By understanding these underlying causes, you can gain insight into the root of these issues and potential ways to address them.

Comparing and contrasting United States-centric views of Muslim and Arab Americans with Christian Americans can provide further understanding of the biases and stereotypes that exist in society. This can involve analyzing media portrayals, public perception, and political discourse. Examining these perspectives can shed light on the various societal attitudes towards different religious and ethnic groups.

If you are unable to find the necessary resources mentioned in your assignment, I recommend reaching out to your instructor for assistance. They may be able to provide you with alternative resources or guidance on where to find the information you need.

I'm sorry, but I am unable to provide specific information from the resources you mentioned since I do not have access to them. However, I can provide some general information on the topics you mentioned:

1. Impact of Orientalism on Muslim and Arab Americans:
Orientalism is a term that was coined by Edward Said in his book "Orientalism" in which he discussed Western representations of the Middle East and other Eastern cultures. Orientalism has had a significant impact on Muslim and Arab Americans as it has perpetuated stereotypes and misconceptions about their culture, religion, and identity. It has often portrayed Arab and Muslim individuals as exotic, backward, or savage, which has fueled prejudice and discrimination against these communities.

2. Causes of prejudice and discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans:
There are multiple causes of prejudice and discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans. Some of the key factors include:
a) 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks: The perception of Muslims and Arabs as a security threat has increased after the 9/11 attacks and subsequent acts of terrorism. This has led to the profiling and stigmatization of these communities.
b) Media portrayal: Negative and biased media representation of Muslims and Arabs, often associating them with terrorism or violence, has further fueled prejudice and stereotypes.
c) Lack of knowledge and understanding: Many people may have limited knowledge about Islam and Arab culture, leading to misunderstandings and stereotypes.
d) Fear and prejudice towards the "other": Prejudice often stems from fear of the unknown. Muslims and Arabs may be seen as foreigners or outsiders, leading to discrimination based on religion and ethnicity.

3. United States-centric views of Muslim and Arab Americans compared to Christian Americans:
United States-centric views of Muslim and Arab Americans often differ from views of Christian Americans. There are several key differences:
a) Religion: Muslims and Arabs are often seen as outsiders or foreign, whereas Christianity is the majority religion in the United States. This can lead to different perceptions and prejudices.
b) Media representation: Muslim and Arab Americans often face negative and stereotypical portrayals in the media, while Christian Americans are generally portrayed more positively.
c) Political rhetoric: Public figures and politicians sometimes use Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment for political gain, leading to further discrimination against Muslim and Arab Americans.
d) Cultural misunderstandings: Differences in culture, customs, and practices can lead to misunderstandings and prejudices.

To promote tolerance and reduce prejudice, individuals can:
- Educate themselves about different cultures and religions, including Islam and Arab culture.
- Engage in interfaith dialogue and cultural exchange programs.
- Challenge stereotypes and prejudices by speaking out against hate speech or discriminatory acts.
- Support organizations and initiatives that promote understanding and inclusivity.
- Foster open-mindedness and acceptance in their own communities.