Which of the following conditions during the industrial revolution supported karl marxs ideas?

1. there were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor

2. more material goods were available

3. people were no longer threatened by famine

4. people left the countryside and moved to the cities

no answer

To determine which of the following conditions during the industrial revolution supported Karl Marx's ideas, let's examine each option:

1. There were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor: This condition aligns with Karl Marx's idea of class struggle, where he argued that the bourgeoisie (wealthy business owners) exploited the proletariat (poor working class). So, this condition supports his ideas.

2. More material goods were available: While the availability of more material goods might suggest economic growth, Marx focused on the distribution of wealth and the unequal power dynamics between capitalists and workers. So, this condition alone does not directly support his ideas.

3. People were no longer threatened by famine: Marx's ideas primarily revolved around class struggle and the economic system, rather than addressing issues related to famine. Hence, this condition does not directly support his ideas.

4. People left the countryside and moved to the cities: The movement of people from rural areas to urban centers is known as urbanization, which played a crucial role during the industrial revolution. This condition is significant because it contributed to the concentration of workers in factories, forming the working class. Marx argued that urbanization intensified the class struggle and exploitation. Therefore, this condition aligns with his ideas.

Based on the analysis, conditions 1 and 4 (There were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor, and people left the countryside and moved to the cities) during the industrial revolution supported Karl Marx's ideas.

The condition during the industrial revolution that supported Karl Marx's ideas was:

1. There were a few wealthy business people while the majority of people were poor.

Karl Marx argued that capitalism led to an unequal distribution of wealth, with a small fraction of the population owning the means of production and accumulating wealth, while the majority were left in poverty and exploited for their labor. This concentration of wealth and power among the few was a prominent feature of the industrial revolution.