What is the difference between utilitarianism and socialism?

A: Socialism emphasizes individual freedom, and utilitarianism condemns industrial capitalism.

B: Socialism states that government should regulate the means of production, and utilitarianism argues that there should be no government.

C: Utilitarianism emphasizes individual freedom and the greatest happiness for thegreatest number of people, and socialism condemns industrial capitalism.

D: Utilitarianism sees class struggle between employers and employees as unavoidable, and socialism states that large social groups maintain peace and justice.

i think the answer could either be B or C.. im not sure which one



Let us know what you think.

c. is probably the closest answer.

Utilitarianism is an economic philosophy that espouses the measurement of economic activity in theoretical units, called 'utils,' that are based on the benefit experienced by individuals. The idea is that an economy is successful when it maximizes agregegate utility (greatest happiness for the greatest number aproximates that).

b. socialism states that government should regulate the means of production, & utilitarianism argues that there should be no government.

•Jeremy Bentham and Utilitarianism:, Utilitarian School; self-interest of individuals is to increase pleasure, and to avoid pain. In a liberal environment where there is no state intervention social order is likely to be established through individuals themselves seeking their self-interests...
• he was father of liberalism. His philosophy was followed by James Mill and John Stuart Mill
1.every objects has utility. That is every object can satisfy a want
2.utility, as the attribute of an object, is subjective. It is what we like or do not like. There is quantifiable measure; intensity, duration and proximity of pleasure. For example, some a poem has a greater utility than hot dog
3.the purpose of our lives is to increase pleasure and to avoid pain. This is felicific calculus that applies not just in economic life but any other aspects.
•So, “ the greatest happiness for the greatest number” would result. More people would be happy than unhappy

as you see im not sure its either b or c

I agree with you on your first choice - C. Be careful not to "over think" things!!

Poems acrostic to aristotle?

Socialism= Workers control means of production


The correct answer is C: Utilitarianism emphasizes individual freedom and the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people, and socialism condemns industrial capitalism.

To understand the difference between utilitarianism and socialism, let's start by explaining each of these concepts:

1. Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that focuses on maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. It suggests that actions and policies should be evaluated based on their consequential outcomes and the extent to which they promote the well-being of the majority.

2. Socialism: Socialism is an economic and political system that advocates for collective or government ownership and control of the means of production, such as industries and resources. It aims to ensure that wealth and resources are distributed more equitably among members of society, with the goal of minimizing inequality and promoting social welfare.

Now, let's compare the two:

Utilitarianism, as mentioned in option C, emphasizes individual freedom and the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. It is an ethical theory focused on the overall well-being of society and seeks to maximize utility.

On the other hand, socialism, also mentioned in option C, condemns industrial capitalism and aims to address the issue of economic inequality. It calls for collective ownership and control of the means of production, advocating for wealth redistribution and social welfare programs.

The key difference between the two is that utilitarianism is an ethical theory that focuses on the overall well-being and happiness of the majority, regardless of the economic system in place. On the other hand, socialism is an economic and political system that seeks to address economic inequalities and advocates for collective ownership and control of resources.

Therefore, option C correctly captures the difference between utilitarianism and socialism.