Suppose you have a friend named Ed. He and his four friends are having ice cream. There are only three flavors available at the ice cream store they are visiting: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. One of Ed’s friends, Stacey, eats chocolate exclusively. How many different kinds of cones can they make? They may have only singles, doubles, and triples. Create one or more number sentences that would support your conclusions.

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To find out how many different kinds of cones Ed and his friends can make, we need to consider the number of flavors available and the different combinations of ice cream scoops.

Since Stacey only eats chocolate, one scoop will always be chocolate. This means there are two remaining flavors (vanilla and strawberry) for the other scoops.

To determine the number of different kinds of cones, we can consider the possible combinations of scoops: singles, doubles, and triples.

For singles, each scoop can be either vanilla or strawberry, resulting in two possibilities.

For doubles, we can have one scoop of vanilla and one scoop of strawberry, or both scoops of the same flavor. This gives us three possibilities in total: vanilla-vanilla, strawberry-strawberry, or vanilla-strawberry.

For triples, we can have all three scoops of the same flavor, or a combination of two different flavors. This gives us two possibilities: all chocolate or a mix of vanilla and strawberry.

Therefore, the total number of different kinds of cones they can make is 2 (singles) + 3 (doubles) + 2 (triples) = 7.

Number sentences to support the conclusions:

1) The number of possible singles cones is 2. This can be represented as 2 singles cones = 2.

2) The number of possible doubles cones is 3. This can be represented as 3 doubles cones = 3.

3) The number of possible triples cones is 2. This can be represented as 2 triples cones = 2.

4) The total number of different kinds of cones they can make is 7. This can be represented as 2 + 3 + 2 = 7.