Describe an item that you purchased and list three main reasons you purchased that product as oposed to another product. Then, identify the internal influences that describe each reason you made your purchase; perception, motivation, learning, attitudes, personality, age group, the family life cycle, or lifestyle.

What did YOU purchase?


Then, identify the internal influences that describe each reason you made your purchase; perception, motivation, learning, attitudes, personality, age group, the family life cycle, or lifestyle.

One item that I purchased recently is a smartphone. There were three main reasons why I chose that particular product over others:

1. Brand reputation: I purchased a smartphone from a well-known brand because I perceived it to be reliable, durable, and of high quality. This perception was influenced by my past experiences, word-of-mouth recommendations, and positive reviews I read online. Here, perception and attitudes played a significant role in my decision.

2. Features and functionality: I compared different models and selected the smartphone that offered the features I considered important. These included a high-resolution camera, ample storage capacity, a fast processor, and a long battery life. This decision was driven by my personal motivation to have a phone that meets my specific needs, indicating the influence of motivation and learning in my purchase decision.

3. Compatibility with lifestyle: I considered how the smartphone would fit into my daily life and activities. For example, I looked for compatibility with the operating systems I use across my devices, seamless integration with my preferred apps, and a user-friendly interface. This decision was influenced by my lifestyle and the ways in which I intend to use the smartphone.

To further analyze the internal influences that describe each reason for my purchase, we can identify the following:
- Perception and attitudes: My perception of the brand's reliability and quality, as well as my positive attitude towards it, influenced my decision.
- Motivation and learning: The desire to have specific features and functionality motivated me to explore different options and learn about the available smartphone models.
- Lifestyle: The compatibility of the smartphone with my lifestyle, including preferences for operating systems and integration with existing apps, influenced my choice.

It's worth noting that internal influences can vary from person to person, and everyone may have different factors influencing their purchasing decisions based on their unique perceptions, motivations, learning, attitudes, personality traits, age group, family life cycle, or lifestyle.