If you’re asked to list for things can the way of your listing be vertical or horizon.

this is the quesion

List four things to look for when you’re proofreading?

You could list it in any form, however, 99 percent of lists I make or use are in vertical form, I guess I learned to make outlines and lists in vertical forms a long time ago.

Make the lists vertical.

as in ...
correct spelling
correct puncuation
complete sentences
main thoughts developed

When providing a list of four things, you have the flexibility to present them either vertically or horizontally, depending on the context and personal preference. Here's how you can approach each option:

1. Vertical listing: In this format, you would list the items one below the other, creating a vertical column. Each item will be on a separate line. This style is commonly used for presenting lists, whether in writing, a document, or a presentation. For example:

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4

2. Horizontal listing: In this format, you would list the items side by side, horizontally. This style is often used when space is limited or when you want to present the items in a more compact manner. For example:

Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4

Both vertical and horizontal listing methods are acceptable, and the choice ultimately depends on the context, readability, and personal preference.