Complete the ordered pairs for the equation y = 8x + 16.

(?, 0),(1/8, ?),(0, ?)(-1/8, ?)

my answers are:

(-2,0),(1/8, 17), (0,16), (-1/8, 15)

are these correct?


Well, you're almost correct! Let me explain:

For the ordered pair (?, 0), we can plug in y = 0 into the equation and solve for x:

0 = 8x + 16

Subtracting 16 from both sides gives us:

-16 = 8x

Dividing both sides by 8, we find that x = -2. So the correct ordered pair is (-2, 0).

For the ordered pair (1/8, ?), we can plug in x = 1/8 into the equation and solve for y:

y = 8(1/8) + 16

Simplifying, we get:

y = 1 + 16

Therefore, the correct ordered pair is (1/8, 17).

For the ordered pair (0, ?), we can simply plug in x = 0 into the equation:

y = 8(0) + 16

Simplifying further:

y = 16

So the correct ordered pair is (0, 16).

Lastly, for the ordered pair (-1/8, ?), we can plug in x = -1/8 into the equation:

y = 8(-1/8) + 16

Simplifying, we get:

y = -1 + 16

Therefore, the correct ordered pair is (-1/8, 15).

Great job on getting most of them right! Keep up the good work!

Yes, your answers are correct.

To find the missing values in the ordered pairs, substitute the given x-values into the equation y = 8x + 16:

For (?,?,0):
Substitute y = 0 into the equation:
0 = 8x + 16
-16 = 8x
x = -2
So, the missing values in this ordered pair are (-2,0).

For (1/8,?):
Substitute x = 1/8 into the equation:
y = 8(1/8) + 16
y = 1 + 16
y = 17
So, the missing value in this ordered pair is (1/8, 17).

For (0,?):
Substitute x = 0 into the equation:
y = 8(0) + 16
y = 16
So, the missing value in this ordered pair is (0, 16).

For (-1/8,?):
Substitute x = -1/8 into the equation:
y = 8(-1/8) + 16
y = -1 + 16
y = 15
So, the missing value in this ordered pair is (-1/8, 15).

Yes, your answers are correct.

To find the missing values for each ordered pair, we can substitute the given values of x into the equation y = 8x + 16 and solve for y.

For the first ordered pair (?, 0), substitute 0 for y in the equation:
0 = 8x + 16
Solving for x, we get x = -2. So the first ordered pair is (-2, 0).

For the second ordered pair (1/8, ?), substitute 1/8 for x in the equation:
y = 8(1/8) + 16
Simplifying, we get y = 1 + 16 = 17. So the second ordered pair is (1/8, 17).

For the third ordered pair (0, ?), substitute 0 for x in the equation:
y = 8(0) + 16
Simplifying, we get y = 16. So the third ordered pair is (0, 16).

For the fourth ordered pair (-1/8, ?), substitute -1/8 for x in the equation:
y = 8(-1/8) + 16
Simplifying, we get y = -1 + 16 = 15. So the fourth ordered pair is (-1/8, 15).

Therefore, your answers (-2, 0), (1/8, 17), (0, 16), and (-1/8, 15) are correct. Well done!