Why must chromosomes be duplicated before mitosis?

DNA is the instruction of making proteins.To have a new cell that can work, it must has a replication of DNA.

chromosomes must be duplicated before mitosist because i really don't know but would like to find out

DNA is the instruction of making proteins. For new cells to work, it must have a Replication of DNA.

Chromosomes must be duplicated before mitosis because DNA replication is necessary for the transmission of genetic information to the daughter cells. Mitosis is the process of cell division that produces two identical daughter cells with the same genetic information as the parent cell.

During DNA replication, the two strands of the DNA molecule separate, and each strand serves as a template for synthesizing a new complementary strand. This results in the formation of two identical copies of the DNA molecule. Each copy, known as a chromatid, is bound together at a region called the centromere, forming a duplicated chromosome.

The duplicated chromosomes ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material, including all the necessary instructions for protein synthesis. Without DNA replication, the daughter cells would not have the correct genetic information, leading to genetic abnormalities or incomplete instructions for cellular functions. Therefore, duplicating chromosomes before mitosis is essential for the proper functioning and development of cells.