what is the solution set of x^2-7x+12

Hmmm. I seen no equation here.

Do you mean x^2-7x+12=0 ?

Then (x-4)(x-3)=0
or x=4, or x=3


To find the solution set of the equation x^2 - 7x + 12, we need to solve for x when the equation is equal to zero.

Step 1: Start by writing the equation:
x^2 - 7x + 12 = 0

Step 2: Factor the quadratic equation. In this case, we need to find two numbers that multiply to give 12 and add up to -7. The numbers -3 and -4 satisfy these conditions:
(x - 3)(x - 4) = 0

Step 3: Apply the zero product property, which states that if the product of two factors is equal to zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero. Set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:
x - 3 = 0 OR x - 4 = 0

Step 4: Solve each equation:
x = 3 OR x = 4

Step 5: The solution set is the set of all values of x that satisfy the equation, which, in this case, are x = 3 and x = 4. Therefore, the solution set is {3, 4}.