What were the diverse purposes of England’s American colonies and how were those purposes altered in the early years of settlement?


To understand the diverse purposes of England's American colonies and how those purposes were altered in the early years of settlement, we can look at historical records and accounts from that time period. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Research primary sources: Primary sources include original documents, diaries, letters, and official records from the time period. Many of these sources have been preserved and can provide valuable insights into the purposes of the colonies. You can access primary sources through archival institutions, libraries, or digital databases such as JSTOR or Google Scholar.

2. Study historical accounts: Many historians have written books, articles, and scholarly papers on the topic. Reviewing these secondary sources can offer a comprehensive overview of the differing purposes of England's American colonies and how they changed over time. Look for reputable authors and check their sources to ensure accuracy.

3. Consult academic journals: Scholarly journals dedicated to history, such as the American Historical Review or the Journal of American History, often contain research articles that delve into specific aspects of the colonies' purposes. Access academic journals through university libraries or online repositories.

4. Analyze official documents: Governments often issued documents outlining the intended purposes of colonies. These may include charters, legislation, or official reports. Analyzing these documents can provide insights into the original intentions behind the establishment of the colonies, as well as how those purposes changed over time. Many of these documents can be found in government archives or online repositories.

5. Consider regional differences: The American colonies were diverse in terms of geography, climate, resources, and native populations. As a result, the purposes of the colonies varied depending on their location. Considering regional differences can give you a more nuanced understanding of how the colonies' purposes evolved.

Remember, exploring different sources and perspectives will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the diverse purposes of England's American colonies and how they changed in the early years of settlement.