I need help with some literature homework.

I need a to identify a baptism scene that's modern. And also how they were affected by the change.

Also, need a piece of literature that has reflects or alludes to Shapespeare.

Also need an example of when weather has been important but not in terms of plot.


any form of washing by water is sufficient.

Rain, wind, sunshine, how hot or cold it is, all make up the weather we experience everyday. The weather affects our daily lives in many ways. Sporting events like the tennis match rely on dry weather. The weather can affect the sort of activities we do, the sort of clothes we wear, and where we would like to go for our holiday

Sure! Let's break down each question and explore how to find the answers:

1. Identifying a modern baptism scene and its impact:
To find a modern baptism scene, you can start by thinking about contemporary literature or films that might include a baptism or a similar ritual. Alternatively, you can search for books, movies, or TV shows that specifically focus on religious themes. Look for the presence of a baptism scene and examine how it affects the characters or the overall story. You can use search engines, literary databases, or even ask for recommendations from your teacher, fellow students, or online communities.

2. Finding literature that reflects or alludes to Shakespeare:
Shakespeare's influence is vast, so finding literature that reflects or alludes to him can be done in various ways. One approach is to look for authors who have drawn inspiration from Shakespeare, such as adaptations, reinterpretations, or direct references to his works. Another way is to explore books that explore similar themes, settings, or storytelling techniques found in Shakespearean plays. You can search for literature reviews, literary analysis, or use specific keywords on online platforms like library catalogs or literary databases to find such texts.

3. Identifying an example of weather's importance beyond the plot:
Weather often serves as a literary device to create atmosphere or reflect characters' emotions. To find an example where weather is important but not in terms of plot, think about works in which descriptions of weather are used symbolically or metaphorically. For instance, the weather might mirror or enhance the mood, emotions, or themes explored in the text. You can look for books or stories that focus on the human experience, nature, or have strong descriptive elements. Analytical essays or literary criticism discussing the use of weather in specific works can also point you in the right direction.

Remember, conducting specific searches, utilizing relevant keywords, and seeking guidance from literary resources will help you find the examples you need for your homework.