A popular person or film that has been seen or discussed or sold in at least 5 places?

What values are being communicated through the person or film? Who is most susceptible to these messages?

First, you need to choose a popular person (Michael Jackson??) or a film.

Then decide which values are being communicated.

To find a popular person or film that has been seen or discussed or sold in at least 5 places, you can start by thinking of well-known celebrities or movies that have gained significant recognition and coverage across various platforms. Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1: Leonardo DiCaprio - An internationally renowned actor, Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in several critically acclaimed and commercially successful films, such as Titanic, Inception, and The Wolf of Wall Street. These movies have been widely seen, discussed, and sold in numerous locations around the world.

Example 2: Avengers: Endgame - As the highest-grossing film of all time, Avengers: Endgame has been seen by millions of people worldwide and generated extensive discussion and merchandising. It has been shown in cinemas, discussed on social media, sold on DVD/Blu-ray, and streamed on various online platforms.

Now, let's discuss the values being communicated through these individuals or films and who is most susceptible to these messages.

Values communicated through the person or film depend on various factors such as the content, themes, and messages conveyed. However, some common values often portrayed in popular persons or films include:

1. Empowerment: Many films and celebrities aim to inspire and empower others by showcasing stories of triumph, personal growth, and overcoming obstacles.

2. Entertainment and escapism: Popular films often provide viewers with a form of entertainment and serve as an escape from everyday life, offering a break from reality and a chance to delve into fictional worlds.

3. Social commentary: Certain individuals or films address social issues, raising awareness, promoting empathy, or encouraging conversations about topics like equality, justice, and environmental conservation.

As for who is most susceptible to these messages, it varies depending on the specific person or film and their target audience. However, generally, individuals who are fans or followers of these celebrities or movies, particularly those who strongly identify with their values or narratives, are more likely to be influenced by their messages.

It's important to note that susceptibility to messages can vary widely among individuals, as personal experiences, beliefs, and critical thinking abilities all play a role in how messages are received and interpreted.