-----Identify a problem at work or organization to which you belong.

Conduct research that would help your workplace or organization solve this problem, or attend some relevant training or workshop that would provide you with such information. --

I am writing an information report. I Choose to write about people coming arrive late and call sick. In writing Information report, I have to write facts about people people coming late to work such as giving one person name?? and finding his mistakes??

What is your question about your assignment??


Based on your question, it seems like you're looking for assistance in gathering facts and information about people arriving late to work as part of your information report. If that is the case, I can certainly help guide you through the process of conducting research to gather relevant data and information.

To gather facts about people arriving late to work, here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Identify the problem: In this case, the problem is that people are consistently arriving late to work. Specify the impact this issue has on the workplace or organization.

2. Define the purpose of the report: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with this information report. Is it to analyze the reasons behind the lateness? Is it to propose solutions to address this issue?

3. Conduct surveys or interviews: Create a survey or interview questions targeting employees to understand their perspectives on lateness. Ask questions such as the reasons for their lateness, their perception of the issue, and any suggestions they have for improvement. Ensure that their identities are kept confidential to encourage honesty.

4. Collect quantitative data: Gather data such as the number of times each employee has arrived late, the duration of lateness, and any patterns or trends you identify. This can be done by collaborating with your organization's attendance or human resources department.

5. Analyze the data: Once you have collected the relevant information, analyze the data to identify common reasons for lateness, patterns, and any other insights that can contribute to solving the problem.

6. Identify specific cases: If your report requires mentioning a specific person, ensure that you approach it in a constructive manner. Instead of focusing on mistakes, consider discussing challenges they face that contribute to their lateness and identify potential solutions.

7. Propose solutions: Based on the research and analysis conducted, provide recommendations and strategies for addressing the lateness issue. Consider implementing workplace policies, flexible working hours, or addressing external factors that might contribute to lateness.

Remember, it is crucial to maintain a professional and unbiased tone throughout your information report. Focus on understanding the reasons behind lateness and finding solutions rather than placing blame on individuals.