Which is NOT an example of augmentative


story books, picture cards,
sign language, or a tape recorder?

Thanks for helping

Please explain your definition of augmentative communication.

I briefly researched this term and think that all four choices could be examples of augmentative communication.

We'll be glad to help you when we know your definition of augmentative communication.

Using signs,symbols, or pictures to supplement unintelligible speech articulation. I also was thinking that
all four examples could be examples.
But one is not--and I got confused.
please help

Only one of your choices does not use visual aids to supplement speech. That is the tape recorder. It's only auditory, so it is not an example of augmentative communication.

To determine the answer, let's break down the definition of augmentative communication. Augmentative communication refers to the use of signs, symbols, pictures, or other visual aids to supplement or enhance speech for individuals with communication difficulties. The purpose is to make communication more effective and accessible.

Now, let's take a look at each option:

1. Story books: Story books often include visual aids such as pictures or illustrations to support the text. This is an example of augmentative communication.

2. Picture cards: Picture cards are visual aids that can be used to support and supplement speech. They provide a way for individuals to communicate their needs, choices, or thoughts using pictures instead of or in addition to words. This is an example of augmentative communication.

3. Sign language: Sign language is a visual-gestural language that utilizes hand movements, gestures, and facial expressions to communicate. It is a complete language in itself and does not rely solely on speech. This is an example of augmentative communication.

4. Tape recorder: A tape recorder records and plays back audio. While it can be used for communication purposes, it does not incorporate visual aids or support to supplement speech. It only deals with auditory input. Therefore, it is NOT an example of augmentative communication.

So, the answer is: a tape recorder is NOT an example of augmentative communication.

I hope this clarifies your doubt!