You wash dishes for a chemistry laboratory to make extra money for laundry. You earn 6 dollars/hr , and each shift lasts 75minutes . Your laundry requires 6quarters/load. How many shifts must you work if you wish to wash 10 loads of laundry?




equals the amount of shifts.

To find out how many shifts you need to work in order to wash 10 loads of laundry, we first need to determine the cost of washing one load.

The laundry requires 6 quarters/load, which amounts to 6 * $0.25 = $1.50/load.

Next, we need to calculate the total cost of washing 10 loads of laundry. Since each load costs $1.50, 10 loads will cost 10 * $1.50 = $15.

Now we know that the total amount of money you need to earn is $15.

Let's determine how many hours you need to work to earn $15. You earn $6/hr, so we can set up a proportion:

($6/hr) / (x hr) = ($15) / (1 shift)

Cross multiplying, we have:

$6 * 1 shift = $15 * x hr

$6 = $15 * x

Dividing both sides by $15:

$6 / $15 = x

0.4 = x

So, you need to work 0.4 hours for one shift.

Next, we need to convert the shift duration from 75 minutes to hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 75 minutes is equal to 75 / 60 = 1.25 hours.

Now we can calculate how many shifts you need to work to wash 10 loads of laundry:

Number of shifts = Total amount of hours required / Duration per shift

Number of shifts = 0.4 hours / 1.25 hours

Number of shifts ≈ 0.32

Since you cannot work a fraction of a shift, you will need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, you will need to work 1 shift to wash 10 loads of laundry.

Please note that this calculation assumes you only spend the money you earn from washing dishes for the laundry and that there are no additional costs involved.