What is the value of the underline digit 6 in 4,600,028

The 6 is in the hundred thousands place.

This number is four million plus six hundred thousand, twenty-eight.

Write the word form and tell the value of the underlined digit for each number for 600028

Can u tell me the digit

To find the value of the underline digit 6 in the number 4,600,028, we need to understand the place value system. In the decimal system, each digit in a number has a specific place value based on its position.

Let's break down the number 4,600,028 and identify the place value of the underline digit 6:

- Place value of 6 in the millions place is 6 million (6,000,000).
- Place value of 6 in the hundred thousands place is 600,000.
- Place value of 6 in the ten thousands place is 60,000.
- Place value of 6 in the thousands place is 6,000.
- Place value of 6 in the tens place is 60.
- Place value of 6 in the ones place is 6.

Therefore, the value of the underline digit 6 in 4,600,028 is 6 (just in the ones place).