Which pattern is most effective to deliver a persuasive message when the audience may resist doing as you ask and you expect emotion to be more important than logic in the decision?

The problem-solving pattern
The sales pattern
The direct request pattern
The threat pattern

Its a.

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The persuasive pattern that would be most effective when the audience may resist doing as you ask and you expect emotion to be more important than logic in the decision is the sales pattern.

To understand why the sales pattern is the most effective in this scenario, let's briefly explore each pattern:

1. The problem-solving pattern: This pattern focuses on presenting a problem and then providing logical solutions to address it. While logic plays a role, it may not be as effective in situations where emotions are more influential than reason.

2. The direct request pattern: This pattern involves making a direct request to the audience without much elaboration or explanation. While this can be effective in certain situations, it may not be the best approach when facing resistance and relying on emotional appeal.

3. The threat pattern: This pattern involves using fear or consequences to motivate the audience to comply with your request. While threats can have short-term effectiveness, they often lead to negative emotions and may damage relationships in the long run.

4. The sales pattern: This pattern is specifically designed to appeal to emotions and persuade the audience. It involves employing techniques such as storytelling, testimonials, appealing to desires and aspirations, and focusing on benefits rather than features. Emotions play a significant role in decision-making, and the sales pattern recognizes that.

When the audience may resist doing as you ask and you expect emotion to be more important than logic in the decision, the sales pattern becomes a suitable choice. It allows you to tap into the audience's emotions, connect with their desires or goals, and present your message in a compelling and persuasive manner.

C-The direct request pattern