: if the quotient 3m^2 +15m / m^2 divided by 30/ m^2 + 5m is simplified to lowest terms, which of the following is the denominator of the resulting expression?

the options are 10 30m^2 m^2 +5m or m^2( m+5)

10, with the restriction that m cannot be zero.

If we simplify the given expression, we first need to express the division as multiplication. The expression becomes:

(3m^2 +15m) / (m^2) * (m^2 + 5m) / 30

Now we can simplify further by factoring:

(3m(m + 5)) / (m^2) * (m^2 + 5m) / 30

We can cancel the (m^2 + 5m) term:

= (3m) * 1 / 30

Now let's simplify by factoring out a 3 from both the numerator and the denominator:

= m * 1 / 10

So the final answer is that the denominator is 10, with the restriction that m cannot be zero.

To simplify the quotient (3m^2 + 15m) / (30 / m^2 + 5m) to its lowest terms, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the reciprocal of the denominator.
The reciprocal of (30 / m^2 + 5m) is (m^2 + 5m) / 30.

Step 2: Multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.
(3m^2 + 15m) * (m^2 + 5m) / 30

Step 3: Simplify the numerator.
(3m^2 + 15m) * (m^2 + 5m) = 3m^4 + 15m^3 + 15m^3 + 75m^2

Step 4: Simplify the denominator.

Step 5: Simplify the expression further, if possible.
The numerator does not have any common factors that can be canceled out with the denominator. Therefore, the simplified expression is:

(3m^4 + 15m^3 + 15m^3 + 75m^2) / 30

Finally, the denominator of the resulting expression is 30.

To simplify the given expression and determine the denominator of the resulting expression, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the numerator
The numerator is 3m^2 + 15m. It doesn't require any further simplification.

Step 2: Simplify the denominator
The denominator is (30/m^2) + 5m. To simplify it, we need to find a common denominator for the fraction and the term 5m.

Taking the reciprocal of the fraction, we get m^2/30. Now, the denominator is m^2/30 + 5m.

To find a common denominator, we multiply the first term by (m^2/m^2), which gives us m^2/30 + (5m)(m^2/m^2).

This simplifies to m^2/30 + 5m^3/ m^2.

Step 3: Divide the numerator by the simplified denominator
Now that we have the simplified numerator and denominator, we can divide the numerator by the denominator.

Dividing (3m^2 + 15m) by (m^2/30 + 5m^3/ m^2) is equivalent to multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.

(3m^2 + 15m) * (30/m^2 + m^2/ (5m^3))

Simplifying this expression further would involve expanding and combining like terms, which is not required to determine the denominator.

Step 4: Identify the denominator of the resulting expression
The denominator of the resulting expression is the denominator we obtained after simplifying the original expression.

From the previous step, the denominator is m^2 / 30 + 5m^3 / m^2.

Comparing the available options, we see that the correct answer is 10 since m^2 / 30 + 5m^3 / m^2 can be written as 10 when m ≠ 0.

Therefore, the correct option is 10.