in a basketball game, the star player scored 3 times as many points as the average score of the 9 other players. what fraction of the points scored by the entire team did the star player score?

so i guess the total number of players is 10. and then i think you divide something by 10... im not sure. please help

let average of the other nine players be x

so the total of their points is 9x.
The star scored 3 times as many points as the average, so he scored 3x points

team score = 9x + 3x = 12x

so the fraction of points scored by the star = 3x/(12x) = 1/4

To solve this problem, let's break it down into steps.

Step 1: Find the average score of the 9 other players.
Since there are 9 other players, we'll need to find the total number of points scored by these players and then divide it by 9. Let's say the average score is represented by "A."

Step 2: Determine the star player's score.
The problem states that the star player scored three times as many points as the average score of the other players. So, the star player's score is 3 times "A," which is represented as "3A."

Step 3: Find the total points scored by the entire team.
To calculate this, we need to add the star player's score (3A) to the total score of the other 9 players (9A). Thus, the total points scored by the team is 3A + 9A = 12A.

Step 4: Calculate the fraction of points the star player scored.
To do this, we need to divide the star player's score by the total points scored by the team. So, the fraction is (3A)/(12A).

Step 5: Simplify the fraction (optional).
In this case, we can simplify the fraction by canceling out the common factor of "A" in both the numerator and denominator. So, the simplified fraction is 3/12, which can be further reduced to 1/4.

Therefore, the star player scored 1/4 (or one-fourth) of the total points scored by the entire team.