t a 200- to 300-word summary of a current issue between Native Americans and the federal government. Identify the legislation that you think is linked to the issue, and explain why you think there is a connection. Consult the National Congress of American Indians Web site, the Indian Country newspaper, or another online source for examples of pertinent issues.

Here are three websites that will help you with information.




i need a connection between native americans and the federal government

One current issue between Native Americans and the federal government is the ongoing struggle over tribal sovereignty and the protection of Native lands. One legislation that is linked to this issue is the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act resulted in the forced removal of several Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States to make way for white settlement. The consequences of this act continue to deeply affect Native communities today.

Another legislative measure that is connected to this issue is the Dawes Act of 1887. This law aimed to eradicate tribal communal landholding and promote individual land ownership among Native Americans. Consequently, millions of acres of Native land were taken away and redistributed to non-Native settlers. This severely impacted Native Americans' ability to maintain their cultural practices and traditional ways of life.

Furthermore, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978 plays a significant role in the current issue. The ICWA was enacted in response to widespread removals of Native American children from their families and tribes. It sought to protect the integrity of Native American families, culture, and heritage by establishing guidelines for child custody proceedings involving Native American children. However, there have been ongoing conflicts regarding the implementation of ICWA and its effectiveness in safeguarding Native American children's rights.

Overall, the issues between Native Americans and the federal government are deeply rooted in historical legislation that has resulted in the loss of Native lands, cultural destruction, and the erosion of tribal sovereignty. Understanding the connection between these legislations and the current issues is crucial for comprehending the historical context and the ongoing struggles faced by Native Americans in their fight for justice and sovereignty.