thanks alot for giving me those sites but i already know this stuff. They don't teach how to read an aritmetic problem so its confusing to me what to do with them, when sometimes its so obvious i just need someone to actually explain it to me in a diffent ways, that i might be able to understand and it helps me alot more for a real person to explain it to me in a way they think i might be able to understand it.

I understand your predicament. Is there a particular problem you need such help with? You will learn to turn word problems into mathematical statements (equations) that can be solved, with practice.

Absolutely! Understanding how to approach and solve arithmetic problems can be challenging, but with some guidance and practice, it gets easier. Let's break it down step by step.

1. Read the problem carefully: Start by reading the entire problem and try to understand what it's asking for. Identify the key information, such as numbers, quantities, and relationships mentioned in the problem. Pay attention to keywords like "add," "subtract," "multiply," or "divide," as they can help you determine the operations to use.

2. Identify what is known and what needs to be found: Determine what values or quantities are given and what you're asked to find. Sometimes, you need to assign variables to unknown quantities to help you set up equations.

3. Translate the problem into an equation or a series of equations: The next step is to turn the information in the problem into a mathematical statement. Decide on the variables you want to use and write down the equation(s) that represent the relationships described in the problem.

4. Solve the equation(s): Once you have the equation(s), solve them to find the value of the unknown variable(s). Use the appropriate arithmetic operations to simplify the equation(s) and isolate the variable(s) you want to solve for.

5. Check your answer: After solving the equation(s), double-check if your answer makes sense in the context of the problem. If necessary, go through the problem again to ensure you addressed all the requirements.

Remember, practice is crucial in improving your problem-solving skills. Start with simple arithmetic problems and gradually move on to more complex ones. Additionally, seeking different explanations from various sources, such as online tutorials or textbooks, can provide alternative approaches that suit your learning style.

If you have a specific arithmetic problem you'd like help with, please feel free to share it here, and I'll be happy to guide you through the solution process step by step.

I'd be glad to help you understand how to read and solve arithmetic word problems. Word problems can be tricky, but with practice and a step-by-step approach, you can become more comfortable with them. Could you provide me with a specific arithmetic word problem that you're struggling with? That way, I can guide you through the process of translating and solving it.