
-0.6x < -24

the solution is {x|<-40}

do it have it right!!!

-0.6x < -24

-x < -40
x > 40
Note that you need to reverse the direction of inequality when you multiply both sides by a negative number.
For example:
So {x: x>-40} is the right answer.


So {x: x > 40} is the right answer.

you know you are right i did forget to change the symbol sorry so the answer is x>40 or x >-40 because negative and negative is negative i'm i right.

To solve the inequality -0.6x < -24, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by -0.6.

When dividing or multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality sign.

So, dividing both sides by -0.6, we get:

x > -24 / -0.6

Simplifying the right side, we have:

x > 40

Therefore, the correct solution to the inequality -0.6x < -24 is {x | x > 40}.

It seems that you have a mistake in your solution. Instead of x = -40, the correct solution is x > 40.