I am reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I had a couple of questions from the study guide I couldn't answer.

Pip says his apartment at Barnard's Inn doesn't look as good as what?

What did Pip say he had a talent for?

To find the answers to your questions, we can refer to the specific lines or passages in the book where Pip talks about his apartment and his talents. Let's go through the process step-by-step:

1. Identify the relevant chapters: In order to find the answers, we need to determine the chapters where Pip mentions his apartment and his talents. You can either refer to your study guide or the text of the novel itself.

2. Locate Pip's description of his apartment: Once you have identified the chapters, look for any passages or dialogues where Pip talks about his apartment at Barnard's Inn. Reading through these sections carefully will help you find the answer to your first question.

3. Locate Pip's mention of his talent: Similarly, search for passages or conversations where Pip discusses his talent. This will provide you with the answer to your second question.

By following these steps and paying close attention to the text, you should be able to find the answers to your questions. Remember, the process of finding answers in a novel involves careful reading and analysis of relevant sections.