Trains A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 100 miles per huors and train B is traveling at 110 miles per hours. Train A passes a station at 1:100pm if train B passes the same station at 1:22 pm at what time will train B catch up to train A?

when will Train B catch up with train A?

Train A passes the station at 13:00 and train B passes at 13:22. Train A has a headway of 22 minutes, which translates into 100 mph*22/60 = 36.67 miles

Speed of train B exceeds that of train by (110-100)=10 mph.
Therefore time to catch-up
= 36.67/10 *60 minutes
= 220 minutes after 13:22
Therefore time when train B catches up with train A
= 13:22 + 220 minutes
= 17:02

Question on Train A should be 13:10 does this change the equation.

Please help

Yes, it does. Sorry.

Could you figure out along the lines of my solution and post your results for checking, if you wish?

so A=13:10

100mph *12/.60= 20miles
120 after 13:22

I'm lost after that

It's 120 minutes after 13:22, or

13:22 + 2:00
= 15:22

To determine when Train B will catch up with Train A, we need to calculate the time difference between when Train A passes the station and when Train B passes the station.

We know that Train A passes the station at 1:00 pm, and Train B passes the same station at 1:22 pm. Therefore, the time difference is 22 minutes (1:22 pm - 1:00 pm).

Now, we need to figure out how much distance Train B covers in this 22-minute time difference.

Train A is traveling at 100 miles per hour, and Train B is traveling at 110 miles per hour. The relative speed of Train B with respect to Train A is 110 mph - 100 mph = 10 mph.

Since Train B is traveling 10 miles per hour faster than Train A, we can calculate the distance it covers in 22 minutes:

10 miles/hour * (22 minutes / 60 minutes) = 3.67 miles

Therefore, Train B will catch up to Train A after covering a distance of 3.67 miles.

To determine the time it takes Train B to travel this distance, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

time = 3.67 miles / 110 miles/hour = 0.033 hours

Converting hours to minutes:

0.033 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 1.98 minutes

So, Train B will catch up to Train A approximately 1.98 minutes after it passes the station. Therefore, Train B will catch up to Train A at approximately 1:24 pm.