There are two major checkpoints in the cell cycle. The first is at?

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The first major checkpoint in the cell cycle is known as the "G1 checkpoint" or the "Restriction Point." This checkpoint occurs at the end of the G1 phase, which stands for the first gap phase. The purpose of this checkpoint is to ensure that the cell has accumulated enough nutrients, growth factors, and energy to proceed to the next phase of the cell cycle.

To locate this information, you can visit the provided links. The first link, from the Jiskha Homework Help Forum, may provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the cell cycle and its checkpoints. The second link, from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, offers a detailed resource on various aspects of the cell cycle. The third link, from Reactome, provides information specifically relating to the human cell cycle and its checkpoints. Finally, the fourth link, from Cells Alive, offers an interactive animation that allows you to visualize the different phases of the cell cycle, including the G1 checkpoint.

By visiting these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of the cell cycle and specifically locate the information regarding the first major checkpoint at the end of the G1 phase.