What shapes our perceptions more biology or society? I would say society because we are exposed to so many things in every direction on a daily basis. For example, the media and people impact our perceptions. What would you say and why? Thanks!

I hope this article proves helpful.


Thanks for asking.

So based on that article it depends upon the situation? What would you say?

Yes, it depends — on which perceptions you are discussing, how deviant the social norms are from typical biological development, the sources of our information (e.g., media, parents, peers), whether these sources support or contradict each other, and other factors related to each situation.

I hope this helps a little more.

Yes Thank yoU!

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some insights to help you think about this question.

The question of what shapes our perceptions more, biology or society, is a complex one with no definitive answer. It's important to consider that both biology and society play significant roles in shaping our perceptions.

On one hand, our biology, including our genetics, brain structure, and sensory systems, can definitely influence how we perceive the world. For example, color perception is influenced by our biological ability to see different wavelengths of light. Similarly, our genetic makeup can affect our predispositions towards certain traits or behaviors.

On the other hand, society plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions as well. Societal norms, cultural values, and social institutions greatly impact how we interpret and understand the world around us. Our experiences with people, the media, education, and social interactions all contribute to shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions of various phenomena.

It's important to recognize that biology and society interact in complex ways. Our biological predispositions may influence how we respond to societal influences, and societal factors may shape how our biology is expressed. Nature and nurture are intertwined in shaping our perceptions, and it's challenging to separate the two.

Ultimately, the relative influence of biology and society on our perceptions can vary from person to person. Some individuals may be more sensitive to biological factors, while others may be influenced more strongly by societal influences. It's also worth considering that both biology and society are important contributors to our overall perception of the world.