Gasoline accounts for 85% of the motor fuel consumed in the United States every day. If 8,882 thousand barrels (bbl) of motor fuel are consumed each day, how much gasoline is consumed each day in the United States (to the nearest gallon)?

find how many gallons of fuel are in one barrel then multiply the number of gallons by the number of barrels given.Then find what 85% of that much fuel is and then round to the nearest whole number.

you should try this because I am not sure if this is right.

To find out how much gasoline is consumed each day in the United States, we'll first need to determine the amount of gasoline in the motor fuel consumed.

Given that gasoline accounts for 85% of the motor fuel consumed, we can calculate the amount of gasoline consumed by multiplying the total motor fuel consumption by this percentage.

Step 1: Convert thousand barrels (bbl) to gallons:
- There are 42 gallons in a barrel, so 8,882 thousand barrels would be equal to:
8,882 thousand barrels * 42 gallons/barrel = 372,444 gallons

Step 2: Calculate the amount of gasoline consumed each day:
- Multiply the total gallons of motor fuel consumed by the percentage of gasoline:
372,444 gallons * 0.85 = 316,577.4 gallons

Therefore, approximately 316,577 gallons of gasoline are consumed each day in the United States.