Which of the following statements about early Amerindian peoples is true?

a economic and political rivalries led to nearly constant conflict among various groups

b they relied heavily on the wheel and an impressive network of roads

c seafaring knowledge allowed for extensive long- distance trade

d though they were not politically united from north to south ameria, common language and culture existed.

e they developed specialized technologies and domesticated plants and animals.

Which of those would you choose?

To determine which statement about early Amerindian peoples is true, we can analyze each statement and eliminate the ones that are incorrect based on historical knowledge.

a) Economic and political rivalries led to nearly constant conflict among various groups: This statement refers to constant conflict among various Amerindian groups. While it is true that there were conflicts between different indigenous groups, it is not accurate to say that there was "nearly constant conflict." Conflict did exist, but it was not the defining characteristic of their interactions. Therefore, this statement is not entirely true.

b) They relied heavily on the wheel and an impressive network of roads: The use of the wheel and an impressive network of roads was not characteristic of early Amerindian peoples. They did not develop wheeled vehicles, and their transportation systems did not rely on roads as we understand them today. Therefore, this statement is not accurate.

c) Seafaring knowledge allowed for extensive long-distance trade: This statement is true. Early Amerindian peoples had advanced seafaring knowledge, which enabled them to engage in extensive long-distance trade. Notable examples include the maritime trade networks of the Polynesians in the Pacific and the coastal trade routes of the Native American tribes along the Pacific Northwest.

d) Though they were not politically united from north to south America, common language and culture existed: This statement is not entirely accurate. While it is true that there were many diverse indigenous groups in the Americas, it is incorrect to suggest that a common language and culture existed among them. The Americas were home to numerous distinct languages and cultures, and there was no singular language or culture that unified all Amerindian peoples.

e) They developed specialized technologies and domesticated plants and animals: This statement is true. Early Amerindian peoples developed specialized technologies, such as pottery and weaving, and they also domesticated plants and animals. Noteworthy examples include the Mayans' development of advanced agricultural techniques and the Incas' domestication of llamas for transportation and wool.

Based on the analysis above, the correct statement is:

c) Seafaring knowledge allowed for extensive long-distance trade.