help!I am stuck: 2x/4 + 4 = 10x/4 + 10

add -4 to each side.
multpily each side by 4
2x=10x + 24
subtract 10 x from each side.
divide each side by -8

This was 10 years ago ;-;, I wonder if this person has a new life lol, different like a job or a career. Weird to think of it

To solve the equation 2x/4 + 4 = 10x/4 + 10, follow these steps:

1. First, subtract 4 from each side of the equation: 2x/4 + 4 - 4 = 10x/4 + 10 - 4
Simplifying, you get: 2x/4 = 10x/4 + 6

2. Next, multiply each side of the equation by 4 to eliminate the fractions: (2x/4) * 4 = (10x/4 + 6) * 4
This results in: 2x = 10x + 24

3. Then, subtract 10x from each side of the equation: 2x - 10x = 10x + 24 - 10x
Simplifying, you get: -8x = 24

4. Finally, divide each side of the equation by -8 to solve for x: (-8x)/-8 = 24/-8
This gives you: x = -3

So, the solution to the equation is x = -3.