i'm learning about norms and values. (norms=shared rules of conduct and behavior that inform people how to act or behave in specific situations. There are two types of norms: folkways and mores. Folkways are norms that do not have great moral significance, for example: shaking hands when you are introduced to someone. Mores, on the other hand, have great moral significance attached to them. An example of mores is committing murder or another major violation of law.

values=Values are shared beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable. Symbols such as language are important because they let us communicate our values to one another and to future generations)

can someone pleease help me think of some of the values and norms that are important to adolescents .
please just give me a few ideas, so i can get started. thank you

Sure! Here are some values and norms that are important to adolescents:

1. Respect: Adolescents often value respect, both for themselves and for others. They may have norms around showing respect through polite communication, active listening, and consideration of others' boundaries.

2. Individuality: Adolescents often value expressing their individuality and developing their own sense of identity. Norms may include allowing each other to explore and embrace their unique preferences, interests, and personal style.

3. Friendship: Adolescents often value social connections and friendships. Norms may revolve around being loyal, trustworthy, and supportive friends, as well as showing empathy and understanding towards one another.

4. Academic Achievement: Many adolescents value academic success and may have norms around studying, completing assignments, and striving for high grades. They may also value norms related to attending classes, participating actively, and respecting their teachers and classmates.

5. Independence: Adolescents often value independence and autonomy. Norms may involve respecting their growing need for privacy, decision-making, and responsibility for their own actions.

6. Honesty: Adolescents often value honesty and integrity. Norms may emphasize telling the truth, admitting mistakes, and taking responsibility for their actions.

Remember that these are just a few examples, and the specific values and norms important to adolescents can vary across cultures, communities, and individuals. It may also be helpful to consult research, literature, and engage in discussions with adolescents to get a more comprehensive understanding.