A path 3m wide surrounds a rectangular garden 15m wide and 18m long.What is the perimeter ?

Answered earlier.

To find the perimeter of the rectangular garden with the surrounding path, we need to add the lengths of all the sides.

The length of the rectangular garden including the path on either side will be:
Length of garden + Path on one side + Path on the other side

Based on the given information:
Length of garden = 18m
Width of garden = 15m

Width of path = 3m
Path on one side = Width of path
Path on the other side = Width of path

So, the length of the garden including the path on one side = 18m + 3m = 21m
The length of the garden including the path on the other side = 15m + 3m = 18m

Now, to find the perimeter, we need to add all four sides of the rectangular garden with the surrounding path:

Perimeter = Length of garden including path on one side + Length of garden including path on the other side + Width of garden + Width of garden

Perimeter = 21m + 18m + 15m + 15m = 69m

Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangular garden with the surrounding path is 69m.