How do I figure the ratio of one part liquid to eighteen parts water if I am using four gallons of water?

Isn't the water liquid also? So all eighteen parts are liquid.

17 parts water= 17/18*4gal= 17/18*16quarts= ...

1 part solute= 1/18*16 quarts= 3.5 cups

check my math

If you want a 1:18 ratio by volume, add 4/18 gallon of the other liquid to the 18 gallons of water. 4/18 gallon is 28.4 fluid ounces.

If you want a 1:18 ratio by mass, remember that one gallon of water weighs 8.34 lb (not 8 lb). So you would add (1/18)*4*8.34 = 1.85 lb of the other liquid

To figure out the ratio of one part liquid to eighteen parts water using four gallons of water, you need to use the following steps:

1. Determine the amount of water in the ratio. In this case, it is eighteen parts.
- 18 parts water = 18/18 * 4 gallons = 4 gallons

2. Calculate the amount of the other liquid needed to achieve the desired ratio.
- For a 1:18 ratio by volume:
- Take 1/18 of the amount of water, which is (1/18) * 4 gallons.
- Convert to quarts if needed (1 gallon = 4 quarts), so (1/18) * 4 gallons = (1/18) * 16 quarts.
This equals approximately 0.89 quarts or 3.5 cups.

- For a 1:18 ratio by mass:
- Determine the weight of one gallon of water, which is 8.34 pounds (not 8 pounds).
- Multiply (1/18) by the weight of one gallon of water, so (1/18) * 4 gallons * 8.34 pounds = approximately 1.85 pounds.

These calculations will give you the amount of the other liquid needed to achieve the desired ratio.

To figure out the ratio of one part liquid to eighteen parts water, you first need to determine the quantity of one part. In this case, if you have four gallons of water, you can calculate the amount of water that corresponds to seventeen parts (since one part is already water).

To do this, you can multiply the quantity of water (four gallons) by the fraction representing the ratio, which is seventeen parts out of eighteen parts (17/18).

So, (17/18) * 4 gallons = 3.77 gallons of water.

Next, to calculate the quantity of the liquid component (the other part), you subtract the amount of water obtained above (3.77 gallons) from the total quantity of liquid plus water (four gallons).

Four gallons - 3.77 gallons = 0.23 gallons of the liquid component.

If you prefer to work with quarts or cups, you would convert the quantities accordingly. For example, if there are four quarts in a gallon, you could multiply 3.77 gallons by four to get the amount in quarts. Similarly, if there are four cups in a quart, you could multiply the number of quarts by four to obtain the quantity in cups.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes a volume-based ratio. If you are aiming for a ratio based on mass, you would need to consider the weights of the substances involved. For example, you would need to know the weight of one gallon of water (which is approximately 8.34 pounds) to determine the weight of the other liquid component in the given ratio.