I need an introduction and conclusion to my persuasive paper.

Here's a good article that helps:


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Writing an effective introduction and conclusion for a persuasive paper is crucial as they serve as the doorways into and out of your argument. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to craft compelling introductions and conclusions for your persuasive essays:

1. Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement, anecdote, quote, or question that immediately engages your readers and makes them curious about your topic. This hook should relate directly to your persuasive argument.

2. Provide necessary background information: After hooking your readers, provide some background information about the topic. This could include relevant historical context, definitions, or any other information that helps your audience understand the issue at hand.

3. State your thesis statement: Clearly articulate your main argument in a concise and focused thesis statement. This statement should present your position and preview the main points that you'll be discussing throughout your paper.

4. Preview your arguments: Briefly outline the main arguments or points you will be making in your persuasive paper. This allows readers to have a clear roadmap of what to expect from your essay.

1. Restate your thesis statement: Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a slightly different way. This helps reinforce your main argument and reminds your readers of your position.

2. Summarize your main points: Briefly summarize the key points or arguments you have made throughout your essay. However, avoid repeating word for word what you have already written. Instead, highlight the most important elements and explain why they are significant to your thesis.

3. Offer a call to action or closing thoughts: Persuasive papers often call for a call to action, where you encourage your readers to take a specific course of action or consider a particular viewpoint. Alternatively, you can end by offering some closing thoughts or reflections on the broader implications of your argument.

4. Leave a lasting impression: End your conclusion with a strong final sentence or thought that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. This could be a thought-provoking question, a powerful quote, or a compelling call to action.

Remember, your introduction and conclusion should work in tandem to frame your persuasive argument, captivate your readers' attention, and leave them with a sense of closure and conviction.