A basketball player has made 135 free throws in 180 attempts. Of the next 50 free throws attempted, how many would she have to make to raise her percent of free throws made by 5%?

135/180 = 0.75 or 75% of free throws made.

If we have 50 more attempts, that will be
180 + 50 = 230 attempts.
x = number of free throws made or
x/230 = 0.8 (if you want it to be 80%)
x = ? = total number of free throws made. I'll let you take it from here.

To determine the number of free throws the basketball player needs to make in the next 50 attempts, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Calculate the current percentage of free throws made.
To find the basketball player's current percentage of free throws made, we divide the number of successful free throws by the total number of attempts and multiply the result by 100.
Current percentage of free throws made = (successful free throws / total attempts) * 100

In this case, the basketball player has made 135 free throws in 180 attempts:
Current percentage of free throws made = (135 / 180) * 100 = 75%

Step 2: Determine the target percentage of free throws made.
The question states that the basketball player wants to raise her percentage of free throws made by 5%. To find the target percentage, we add 5% to the current percentage.
Target percentage of free throws made = current percentage + 5% = 75% + 5% = 80%

Step 3: Calculate the minimum number of successful free throws needed to reach the target percentage.
Let's assume the basketball player makes x successful free throws out of the next 50 attempts. We need to solve for x in the following equation:
(Current successful free throws + x) / (Current total attempts + 50) = Target percentage of free throws made

Plugging in the given values:
(135 + x) / (180 + 50) = 80%

Step 4: Solve for x.
To solve for x, we can start by cross-multiplying:
(135 + x) * 100 = 80 * (180 + 50)

Expanding both sides:
13500 + 100x = 80 * 230

100x = 18400 - 13500
100x = 4900

Dividing by 100:
x = 49

Therefore, the basketball player would need to make at least 49 out of the next 50 free throws to raise her percentage of free throws made by 5%.