Solve Q=(n-s)/n for n

To get you started, multiply both sides by n and go from there. Post your work if you get stuck AND tell us what you don't understand about the next step.

To solve the equation Q = (n - s)/n for n, we can follow the steps provided.

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by n to eliminate the denominator.
Q * n = (n - s)/n * n

On the left side of the equation, Q * n simplifies to Qn. On the right side, (n - s)/n * n can be simplified to (n - s).

After the multiplication, the equation becomes:
Qn = n - s

Step 2: Move the term containing n to one side of the equation, and move the constant term to the other side.
Qn - n = -s

On the left side of the equation, we can factor out n:
n * (Q - 1) = -s

Step 3: Finally, isolate n by dividing both sides of the equation by (Q - 1):
n = -s / (Q - 1)

Therefore, the solution to the equation Q = (n - s)/n for n is:
n = -s / (Q - 1)