school integration HAD BEGUN in 1954 as a result of the surreme courts decision. prepositional pharse or participial pharse. i think the 2 one.

HAD BEGUN is neither a prepositional nor a participial phrase.

is it a verb pharse


To determine whether the phrase "in 1954 as a result of the Supreme Court's decision" is a prepositional phrase or a participial phrase, let's analyze its structure.

A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition (in this case, "in") and is followed by a noun or pronoun. It provides additional information about time, place, or manner.

On the other hand, a participial phrase starts with a participle (a verb form typically ending in -ing or -ed) and functions as an adjective, providing information about a noun or pronoun.

In the given phrase, "in 1954" is a prepositional phrase because it starts with the preposition "in" and provides information about the specific time. "As a result of the Supreme Court's decision" is also a prepositional phrase because it begins with the preposition "as" and provides the reason for the integration.

Therefore, based on the analysis, both parts of the phrase are prepositional phrases.