I'm reviewing for my final exam can anyone give me some tips on this I know what this means but I just to know someone eles opinion. Thanks

Under what conditions might it be appropriate to use the mean? Median? Mode?

When the median and mean are substantially different, what does that tell you about the data?

What information does the range and standard deviation provide about the data?

1. The mean is useful when you need the average value of data, such as an average grade.

The median, however, gives you the middle point of the data - which is useful if you have an outlier or a skew. In the grades analogy, you might have a low average due to a 0, but median would still give an accurate representation of your percentage understanding of the subject.

The mode gives you the value that occurs most - use that if you need to determine what occurs most frequently.

2. If the median and mean are substantially different, the data is significantly skewed to the left or right.

3. The range and standard deviation provide information on the variance of data. A high range or standard deviation means the data has a high spread.

Thank you Marth I understand that the mean you add all the numbers then divide by the how many #'s were added right. I understand all three of them but once again is the mode the one that is repeated more than once right.

Yes, the mode is the value that is repeated the most.

When determining which measure of central tendency to use, you need to consider the nature of the data and what you want to understand from it.

The mean is appropriate to use when you have numerical data and want to find the average value. It is influenced by extreme values, so it may not be the best choice if you have outliers that skew the data.

The median is suitable when you want to find the middle value of a data set or the value that splits the data into two equal halves. It is less affected by outliers, making it a better choice when there are extreme values.

The mode is useful when you want to identify the most frequent value(s) in a data set. It is often used for categorical or discrete data.

If the median and mean are substantially different, it suggests that the distribution of the data may not be symmetrical. Specifically, it indicates that there might be outliers or skewness affecting the mean.

The range provides information about the spread of the data by showing the difference between the highest and lowest values. It gives a rough estimate of the variability in the data.

The standard deviation quantifies the average distance of individual data points from the mean. It provides a more precise measure of variability than the range. A larger standard deviation indicates greater dispersion in the data, while a smaller standard deviation suggests that the data points are closer to the mean.

In summary, the mean, median, and mode are used to understand the central tendency of the data, while the range and standard deviation provide information about the spread and variability in the data. The choice of which measure to use depends on the type of data and the specific question you want to answer.