What were the social economical and political changes brought on by the Ming and Qing Dynasties? I have a minimally descriptive online source and of course my book. I was wanting to know more about the reform that actually took place upon the ming and Qing dynasties.I know during the Yuan dynasty that the Mongols had control and done away with a lot of ancient Chinese customs including dress. They forbid mixed marriages (Mongols and chinese)and they were more of barbaric race than ancient chinese. Should I research more on pre- ming and Qing dynasties? How far should I go back?To classic imperial or early imperial or all the way back to ancient imperial rule to get the best information? what source should I use? I am currently using Traditions and encounters book and this link from my professor

Please help I am really stuck!

These sites may help.

(Broken Link Removed)




Hon Chonk Kong Wong Yong Long

To understand the social, economic, and political changes brought on by the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is indeed helpful to have a broader understanding of the pre-dynastic periods. However, for your specific question, it would be most relevant to focus on the reforms that occurred during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

In terms of social changes, the Ming dynasty implemented the principle of "Neo-Confucianism," which emphasized social hierarchy and strict gender roles. The Qing dynasty also adhered to Confucian principles and established the Eight Banners system, which divided society into Manchu and Han Chinese.

Economically, both dynasties saw the expansion of agriculture, reclamation of land, and increased productivity. The Ming dynasty experienced economic growth and cultural prosperity. On the other hand, the Qing dynasty initially maintained economic stability but faced challenges later, such as population growth and natural disasters.

Politically, the Ming dynasty centralized power and established a system of bureaucracy, while the Qing dynasty continued this system but incorporated the Eight Banners into the government. The Qing dynasty also faced internal and external conflicts, such as the Taiping Rebellion and European imperialism.

To delve deeper into these reforms, it would be helpful to consult more sources. You can research further on the specific reforms, policies, and key figures during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Depending on the level of detail you require, you may need to gather information from both classic imperial and early imperial periods.

In terms of sources, your book, "Traditions and Encounters," can provide you with a general overview. However, it would be beneficial to consult additional academic sources, such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable online resources. Academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar are excellent tools for finding reliable and scholarly sources.

Remember to critically analyze the information you gather, compare different sources, and consider multiple perspectives to get a comprehensive understanding of the reforms that took place during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

To thoroughly understand the social, economic, and political changes brought on by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it would be helpful to gather information from reliable sources. While your book and the online source provided by your professor are good starting points, it is always advisable to dig deeper to gain a comprehensive understanding.

When researching the reforms that took place during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it can be useful to have some background knowledge of the preceding dynasties. While it may not be necessary to go all the way back to ancient imperial rule, having an understanding of the classic imperial and early imperial periods can give you a better grasp of the context and continuity of the changes.

Finding credible sources is crucial for accurate and reliable information. Apart from your textbook and the online source recommended by your professor, consider using academic journals, scholarly books, and reputable educational websites as additional resources. These sources often undergo a rigorous review process and provide well-researched insights.

As you embark on further research, here is a suggested approach to understanding the social, economic, and political changes during the Ming and Qing Dynasties:

1. Begin by reviewing the information provided in your book and the online source. Note the key reforms, policies, and events mentioned, and identify any knowledge gaps that need to be filled.

2. Extend your research to academic journals and books focused on Chinese history, specifically covering the Ming and Qing periods. Look for reputable authors and publications that specialize in Chinese history, as they are likely to provide in-depth analysis and interpretations of the reforms that took place.

3. Pay attention to primary sources such as official documents, edicts, and memoirs from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. These firsthand accounts can provide valuable insights into the motivations, intentions, and effects of specific reforms.

4. Utilize educational websites and online databases provided by reputable institutions such as universities, museums, and libraries. These platforms often have curated collections of historical resources and scholarly articles that can enrich your understanding of the subject matter.

5. Consider looking into comparative studies that explore the Ming and Qing Dynasties' reforms in relation to other dynasties or global historical trends. This broader perspective can offer a more nuanced understanding of the social, economic, and political changes and their significance.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use, considering the author's credentials, the publication date, and any potential biases. Taking notes and organizing the information you gather will help you synthesize your findings and effectively answer your research question.

By following these steps, you will be well-equipped to deepen your understanding of the reforms that occurred during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and their impact on social, economic, and political aspects of Chinese society.