I need help!

Last summer my family and I were camping in our new trailer and we left for the day and came back to a trailer that had a mice party! The Mice were everywhere! Of course, my mom being a germofobic, cleaned the trailer spottless of germs!

Next weekend my family and I are using the trailer to camping again and I am so scared to sleep and be in it! Not becasuse of mice, but becasue of their germs!

I know that there is no way that any germs are in that trailer, but it is still going to bother me!


I could tell you that there are germs everywhere, but that probably doesn't help you.

You might be able to stay home -- but that's no fun.

What do you think your options are?

Wherever you are there are "germs" — bacteria, viruses etc. — we cannot avoid them, wherever you are. Many of them are necessary for our survival, like those in our stomach that aid our digestion. In addition, your body has immune systems that protect against most germs.

To help these immune systems, you can eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep. Washing your hands with soap and water after going to the bathroom and before eating also helps.

Worrying, as you seem to be doing, is useless. If you are worrying about something, either you can do something about it or you can't. If you can do something, do it (like the suggestions above)! If you can't do anything about it, concentrate on problems that you can effect.

If you continue to worry about things you cannot control, you are more likely to neglect things you can, leading to more problems and increased chances of depression. (Worrying about a comet striking the earth or the mere presence of germs are definitely some things you cannot control.)

Concentrating on dealing with those things you can effect helps you to feel more in control of your life.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

I understand your concerns about germs and wanting to feel comfortable in your trailer. Here are a few steps you can take to help alleviate your worries:

1. Clean the trailer thoroughly: Start by giving your trailer a thorough cleaning before your next trip. This will help remove any potential residue or dirt that might be lingering from the previous camping trip. Use disinfectant wipes or cleaning solutions to make sure all surfaces, especially areas where mice were present, are thoroughly cleaned.

2. Seal any entry points: Take some time to look for possible entry points where the mice might have entered your trailer. Seal any gaps or holes using caulk, expanding foam, or steel wool. This will help prevent mice from getting inside your trailer in the first place.

3. Store food properly: Properly store your food in sealed containers or in airtight bags to prevent attracting mice. Keep your trailer clean from food crumbs and spills, as these can also attract rodents.

4. Use deterrents: Consider using natural deterrents, such as peppermint oil or mothballs, to keep mice away. These natural options emit scents that deter mice from entering your trailer. Place them strategically around areas where mice were previously found.

5. Set traps: To provide an extra level of protection, you can set up mouse traps inside your trailer as a precautionary measure. This will help address any potential mouse issues quickly.

By following these steps, you are actively ensuring that your trailer remains clean and free from potential germs and mice. This should help you feel more comfortable and confident during your next camping trip. Remember, taking proactive measures can significantly reduce the chances of encountering a similar situation again.