how much is 6 cups to pounds....

That depends upon whether you're measuring something heavy, like lead pellets, or light, like feathers.

Volume measures (cups) don't have equivalent weight (pounds) measurements.

If you're measuring a food (apples, peaches, flour, sugar, etc.) for a recipe, you'll need to guess how many pounds you'll need to make six cups. Sometimes food packages give the volume on the label.

To convert cups to pounds, you will need to know the density or weight conversion factor of the specific ingredient you are measuring. The conversion factor can vary depending on the type of food or substance you are measuring.

For example, if you are measuring flour, the conversion factor is typically around 0.52 pounds per cup. So, if you have 6 cups of flour, you would multiply 6 by 0.52 to get the approximate weight in pounds.

However, it's important to note that this conversion factor is not universal and may vary for different ingredients. It's always best to consult reliable sources, such as food packaging or reputable cooking websites, for specific conversion factors.

If you don't have access to specific conversion factors, you can also use online conversion tools or apps that provide general estimates for converting cups to pounds based on common ingredients.

Ultimately, the precise weight in pounds of 6 cups will depend on the specific ingredient being measured, and the best approach is to use reliable sources or tools to obtain accurate conversion factors.