what is the mass of F in grams in 24.6 grams of SnF2?

Convert 24.6 g SnF2 to mols SnF2.
Convert mols SnF2 to mols F atoms.
Convert mols F atoms to grams F atoms.

24.6 g SnF2*(1 mol SnF2/molar mass SnF2)*(2 mols F/1 mol SnF2)*(atomic mass F/1 mol F Atoms) = ??

Check my thinking.

The EASY way to do this is by gravimetric factor; unfortunatly that has been omitted from quant books and isn't taught anymore. It has gone the way (unfortunatly, again) of normality. That isn't taught anymore, either. And since we don't need normality, we don't teach equivalent weights anymore. Pity.

52 pounds
DAA DAA !!!!!!!1

I don't think so.

Your calculation is mostly correct, but there seems to be a mistake in your final step. Let me guide you through the correct calculations:

1. Convert 24.6 g SnF2 to moles SnF2:
Molar mass of SnF2 = 192.68 g/mol
moles SnF2 = 24.6 g SnF2 / 192.68 g/mol = 0.1274 mol SnF2

2. Convert moles SnF2 to moles F atoms:
Since there are 2 moles of F atoms in 1 mole of SnF2:
moles F atoms = 0.1274 mol SnF2 * 2 mol F atoms / 1 mol SnF2 = 0.2548 mol F atoms

3. Convert moles F atoms to grams F atoms:
Atomic mass of F = 18.998 g/mol
grams F atoms = 0.2548 mol F atoms * 18.998 g/mol = 4.84 g F atoms

So, the mass of F in 24.6 grams of SnF2 is approximately 4.84 grams.

To determine the mass of F in grams in 24.6 grams of SnF2, you need to follow a series of conversion steps.

1. Convert grams of SnF2 to moles of SnF2:
To convert from grams to moles, divide the given mass by the molar mass of SnF2 (tin (II) fluoride). The molar mass of SnF2 is calculated by adding the atomic masses of Sn (tin) and 2 F (fluorine) atoms.

Molar mass SnF2 = [atomic mass Sn + (2 × atomic mass F)]

Look up the atomic masses of Sn and F from the periodic table, and substitute them into the formula to find the molar mass. Then divide the given mass (24.6 g) of SnF2 by the calculated molar mass to obtain moles of SnF2.

2. Convert moles of SnF2 to moles of F atoms:
From the balanced chemical formula of SnF2, you can see that there are 2 moles of F atoms for every 1 mole of SnF2. Multiply the moles of SnF2 obtained in step 1 by the conversion factor of 2 moles of F atoms per 1 mole of SnF2.

3. Convert moles of F atoms to grams of F atoms:
To convert from moles to grams, multiply the moles of F atoms obtained in step 2 by the atomic mass of F. Look up the atomic mass of F from the periodic table and multiply it by the moles of F atoms to obtain the mass of F in grams.

Plug in the values into the equation you provided in your question:
24.6 g SnF2 * (1 mol SnF2 / molar mass SnF2) * (2 mol F / 1 mol SnF2) * (atomic mass F / 1 mol F atoms)

Calculate the expression to find the mass of F in grams.

The result should not be 52 pounds; it should be an answer in grams.